Josephine Louise Madara Undergraduate Student Research Endowment
The Josephine Louise Madara Undergraduate Student Research Endowment is administered by the ESU Foundation. Funding from this endowment will be available to students in all academic disciplines, limited only by the amount of funding available and the proposed project’s significance and likelihood of completion. Designated to provide supplies, text searches, and travel, students will undertake research on an individual basis under the direct supervision of faculty. The endowment also will provide funds for students to travel to appropriate conferences to report the results of their investigations.
ESU undergraduate students may apply for this grant.
To submit a request for funding to the ESU Foundation, please outline your project including anticipated costs, any other funding sources, and amount of your request. Additionally, please indicate the name of your faculty supervisor for this conference or project. The more specific, detailed information provided the better.
All student and/or curricular program funding requests are reviewed by members of the East Stroudsburg University Foundation Board of Directors.
Click here to complete and submit a grant application online.
For questions please contact Laurie Schaller at (570) 422-3658 or via email at lschaller@esufoundation.org