
Friends Honor Roll
In recognition of all friends who contributed during fiscal year 2022–2023. Some friends are listed with their spouse/partner who are ESU alumni.
Anonymous (1)
Anonymous (2)
Dale Acker
W. Jameson Aebersold
Jacqueline Albus
Isaac Allen
Sarah Allen
Jerome C. Anderson
Kathleen Anderson
Thomas J. Ando
John W. and Luz Alina De Appel
Charlie Argeros
Maya Arii
Annette Atkinson
Didro Augustin
Jaycie A. Augustin
Joe Auld
John and Lynn Bacon
Herbert K. and Tracine Baker
Richard L. Baker
William F. ’71 and Marcia R. Balester
Kenneth Ball
Nicholas Barberio
Krista Barile
Jennifer Baron
Audrey A. Barr
Shirley A. Barrett
Tami Barros
Jill Barry
Richard A. ’70 and Janice Bartolucci
Amy J. Basnage
Thomas and Marilyn L. Batz
Moriah Baxevane-Connell
David A. and Andrea D. Bean
Jason Bearden
Paul J. Beckett
Pamela J. M’80 and John M. Beehler
William Begosh
Alexander T. and Kathleen C. Behr
Andrew Benanti
Angela Benincasa
Max T. Bergen and Sarah S. Azizi
Adam J. Bergen
James K. Bergen
Sam M. Bergen
Valerie Bergen
Mark S. Turner and Gina J. Bertucci
Sherriann Bessette
Craig W. and Lisa Best
Friends of Ms. Eve Beuchat
Jenny Beuchat
Larry M. and Carol A. Bevilacqua
Robert Bibeau
Maria B. Bickart
Edward J. and Ellen S. Bilinski
Beth Biltonen
Joseph Bingham, Jr.
Beata Binkowska
John P. and Kathie D. Bisco
Lindsay Blum
Sarah Blum
Lawrence Boatwright
James Boburka
Robert Bocchino
Cynthia L. Boddie-Willis
Jenny Bogart
Candice Bohn
David A. and Melissa Bonenberger
Neil A. and Mary P. Bonner
Thomas Booker
Sarah Bordeau
Drew Borek
Catherine Borgia
Joy G. Borrero
Pamela M. and John Boulanger
Jennifer Bove
Ralph M. and Carol A. Bowyer
Eugene Boyle
Fran Boyle
Christina Brandeburg
Robin Brawner
Andrea Brennan
Hugh J., III and Alice F. Breslin
Joseph and Megan Breslin
Patrick Briegel
Susan Bronski
Brooke Brooks
Anthony Bross
Valerie Bross
Charles Brown
Faith Brown
Jeffery Brown
Lisa M. Brown
Megan Brown
Rosemary Brown
Nancie A. Brungard
Karen C. Bryant Morrison
Stephanie L. Bupp
Frank J. Busa
Mariane Buser
Robert A. ’64 M’73 and Carolyn A. Buzzard
Helen Cadue
Joseph A. Calabrese
Patricia Cameron
Brent Camilleri
Patricia A. and Vincent A. Caminiti
Heather Cantrel
Rachelle L. Cantrel
Lisa and David Cardwell
Kelly Carle
Joe Carmella
Heather Carney
Franklin R. Carroll
Bob Cartwright
Tyler Casamassa
Whitney E. Casella
Victor Castaner
Irina Cecchini
Kevin Chapman
Suzanne Chapman
Emile and Diane L. Charlap
Hermione Charles
Karen Chase
Patricia A. ’95 and Jerome Cheslock
Louis A. and Antonina Chirco
Luke C. Chmielinski
Lisa Choptij
John Christy
Anne M. Church
Roland Church
Kathleen Cieri
Caitlin Cifaloglio
Dena Cifaloglio
Carol A. Cinelli
David J. and Tracie A. Cinquemani
Joanne M. Clark
Elissa Clarke
Christine D. ’77 and Michael H. Clements
Elizabeth Clifford
Kathleen Clinton
Matthew Cohen
Rachel V. Cohen
Donald Conklin and Kimberly Sisson Conklin
Philip B. Conlin, Jr.
Micah J. Cooper
Robert B. and Diane M. Coppola
Vincent M. and Kathryn B. Coppola
Jack C. Cortner
Charles and Carol Costa
Martha Costa
Philip S. T. and Marian C. Costin
Brian Coyne
Declan Coyne
Dan Craddock
Scott H. Cragle
Amy Cramer
William B. and Barbara Cramer
Sally M. Crawford
Renee and Craign Cresto
John T. and Joni Crestwell
Cynthia J. Crowner
Wilfredo Cruz
Denise Cuff
Mary L. Cullinan
Shaun M. Culver
Wanda Cummings
Steve R. Curtis
Sabryna Cusano
Joe Cutrona
Katherine Da Silva
Samuel and Audrey D’Alessandro
Toshana Daley
Douglas L. Dalrymple
Nicholas and Melinda D’Amico
Matthew Darcy
Grace H. Davanzo
David T. and Joanne S. Davis
Paul de Barros
Jean M. Degiulio
Paul DeGiulio
Michael A. Deitzler
Tara Del Rosario
Lew and Kate DelGatto
Claude Delille
Chad M. Delligatti
Gypsy M. Denzine
Alissa DePalma
Agnes C. DePinto
Vincent J. DePinto
Allison Derickson
Jay Derickson
Peter H. and Barbara Derrenbacher
Mary DeSchriver
Timothy D. DeSchriver
John T. DeVivo
Douglas Deyarmin
Gina DiBiase
Diane Dickey
MaryEllen ’80 and Kevin J. Dickey
Larry L. and Melissa J. Dickson
Julia A. Dicupe
Ronald G. Diehl
Timothy T. and Bertye Dietrick
Dominic L. DiFusco
Cristos Dimitriou
Martin J. and Mary E. Diorio
Susan Discorfano-Catania
Deanna M. Ditty
Dan Dolby
Louisa Dombloski
Barbara A. Doran
Wayne L. and Mary L. Doran
Lisa Dottavio
Donald A., Jr. and Mary M. Douds
Andrew C. Dowdell
Ashley A. ’03 and Trevor Dreisbach
Sheila J. Duckloe
Danielle Duddy
Gene Duggan
Walter E. J. and Joy Dunbar
Helen Duong
Eileen D. M’94 and Gerald F. Durkin, Jr.
Eileen M. ’92 and Robert F. Early
David B. Eck
Robert W. and Stacey L. Edelman
Jeremy Eggleston
Michael Elbert
Deborah Emin
Frank A. and Renee Epifano
Justin Erdman
Rick C. ’72 and Lauren Erdman
Anna L. Ernst
Steven W. Ertle
David A. Estep
Manuel Esteves
Laura Falleni
Irina and Joseph Farda
Joann Farda
Peter and Laurie L. Favini
Mike and Doris Feinsilber
Reed Fela
Harvey Feldman
Michael Fernandez
Josh Filler
Christopher Finnegan
William S. Fisher
Joseph B., III ’76 and Ruth A. Fite
John and Kathleen Fitzgerald
Robert P. Fleischman
Bonnie E. Fleming
Christina Floris
Jackie Flynn
Catherine Folio
Joseph T. Foreman
Gary and Peggy J. Foster
Kristi and Robert Foster
Kenda Fowler
Giana Fredericks
Melissa Fredericks
Stewart Fredericks
David and Marsha Freeberg
Maurice J. Freedman
John C. Freeman
Candace Freese
Susan F. Freydberg
Peter S. and Linda S. Friedman
Walter K. Frye
Allison Fuller
Barry R. Fulmer
Caroline J. Furman
Gail E. Furman
Larry Furman
Tonya L. Furman
Riley W. Gaita
Danny H., Jr. ’05 and Stephanie R. Gale
Maureen Gallagher
Raymond A., Jr. ’75 and Darlene J. Gallagher
Desmond W. Gardner
Carissa Garis
Jason and Kathryn A. Garver
Casey Gaughran
Daniel Gaughran
Robert Gaughran
Alan S. Geist and Shellie Wiener
Larry D. and Gale E. Gensemer
Patricia A. Gerheim
Joseph P. Germani
Brian Germano
Charles Germano
Tim Giaccum
Tyler Giaccum
Bill Gill
Brian Giorgis
Darlean Giranda
Lisa Girdy
Noah Glass
Linda L. Gockley
Sherri L. Gockley
Jennifer Goewey
Erica Golaszewski
Jonathan A. and Lisa C. Goldner
Matthew Goldstein
Carlos Cerda Gomez
Jill Goodwin
Ellen Goosay
Tracey Gorham
Gary M. Gorman
Donald Gorny
Nancy Gottardi
Chad Gotto
Michael P. Graham
Harold F., III and Machiko Graves
Jennifer Grayauskie
Joanne Grayauskie
Tyler Grebb
John C., Jr. and Marlou Gregory
Thomas and Dawn M. Gress
Sidney Gribetz
Josequiel Guerra
Christian Guma
Barbara Gumpper
Garrett W. Gunther
Julie and Roman Gural
Robert S. and Melissa J. Gurmankin
Frank L. and Nan G. Guthrie
Mark D. Guthrie
Peter Guthrie
Stephen Guthrie
Sarina W. Gwirtzman
Lucas and Sheena Haan
Thomas N. ’76 and Maria T. Detweiler
Maria Hagedoorn
Nancy Hagedoorn
Janis Hagenbucher
Edward and Michele E. Hagy
Carolyn H. and Robert H. Hamlin
Ronald Hanaki
Travis J. Hankins
Bashar W. and Deanna Hanna
Fenton Harpster
Lisa Harrington
Prunella Harris
Kenneth Hart
Danica (Marsh) Hartenfels ’97 and Jeremy Hartenfels
Christine Harvey
Gregory T. Harvey
Paul C. Hashagen
Anthony Hauck
David and Kathleen Haverstick
William L. Heartwell III and Sudie Heartwell
Susan R. and Proal D. Heartwell
David and Rachael Heath
Peter M. ’77 M’87 and Emilie C. Heesen
MaryAnne and Chester Heeter
Antoinette Heitmann
Janell Henderson
Audrey J. Henderson
Brendan Henn
Edward V. Henning
Amy Herman
Ricardo Hernandez, Jr.
Robin Hersha
Andrew and Kristen Hill
Carol A. Hill
Alan Hiller
Cindy L. Hinkle
Sandra J. Hoeffner
Rebecca Hofman
Georgette Hofmeister
Jennifer Holland
Patrice D. Holland
John Hollister
Paul Holmberg
Monica Holon
Lynn Hoover
Kelly Hopkins
Daniel M. ’12 and Kate Hopkins
Kimberly Horahan
Heather Horning
William J. ’70 M’79 and Linda J. Horvath
Robert Howes, Jr.
Barbara J. ’66 and Jay E. Huffman
Bryan E. and Colette L. Hughes
Jerry Iannuzzo
Nancy Montae Imbt Johnson*
Seth Ingber
Amy Ingram
Malcolm S. Ingram
Laurence H. Israel
Carol Jacoby
John I. Jasionowicz
Tana Jasionowicz
Tonisha K. Jeffers
John F. Jenkins
Kristen Jennings
Leon S., Jr. and Luciana John
Sterling Johnson
Claudine K. Jones
Scott Jones
Daniela Josifoska
Vesna Josifoska
Elizabeth Joyce
Michele Kaczmarek
Holly M. Kades
Kathy Kane
Sandra Kane
Lydia Karl
Karen Kassouf
Kristen Kassouf
Stuart C. and Penny Katz
Christina Kauffman
Alan D. Kaye
Henry G., Jr. ’70 M’75 and Pennie Kearns
Marian Keegan
Laura Keenan
Jane Keenan
Charles R. ’71 and Katherine A. Keinath
Arthur Keith
Bob D. Kelly
Jean G. Kennedy
Lloyd D. Kern
Greg Kessel
Andrew Kessler
Bill Kiley
Joseph Killian
Alan Kines
Russell and Geraldine P. King
Wash and Helen M. King
Daniel Kirk and Marie Fechik- Kirk
Kathleen F. Murphy Kirkwood ’95 and Thomas D. Kirkwood
Gary Klein
Melvin Knight
James Knowles
Matthew E. Koch
Edward R. Koch
Kristen J. Koch
Wendy H. Koch
Timothy Koehler
Eric Kolar
James Kolodzey
Ian and Jamie R. Kornbluth
Martin and Shelly Kornbluth
Stephen J. and Karen L. Kotch
Sergey Kovalchuk
Mary Ann Kowalyshyn
Mark and Judith E. Kozak
Barry S. ’04 and Kate Krammes
Steven E. Krawitz
Jake Kreckman
R. S. and Janet Kretchmar
Donna Kruslicky
Jeffery J. Kuhn
Sally Kuhns
Jay D. Kule
Kelly Kupper
Valerie A. Laico-Ganci
George Lainez
Jillian Landon
Leanne Lanni
Marilyn S. Lantz
Seth Laracy
Susan Larkin
Donna LaRose
Danielle Laws
Olive S. Learn
James B. and Lucy H. Lee
Tracy Leidig
Leann Lemperl
Daniel M. Leon
Sybil Levenson
Christina M. M’03 and Patrick D. Lincoln
Cortney G. Lloyd
Nicole Locilento
Carissa Lockwood
Carole A. Loftus
Daphine Long-Beneski
Richard C. Longlott
Robert and Patricia R. Looes
Barbara Loomis
Joshua and Jenna Looney
Gregory Lopez
Gary and Joyce R. Loupassakis
Stephen A. ’62* and Jeannie Luckey
Joan Luethi
Kirsten G. Lupinski
Barry and Madge M. Lynch
Christopher B. and Mary B. Lynch
Michele P. Lynham
Michaela Lyons
Kenneth E. Maclary
Judith A. Magann
Andrew D. and Bettyjane Magnus
Matthieu Maier
Bonnie Maley
Colleen M. and Michael A. Mancuso
Deborah Marchese
Margaret Marinaro
Thomas Marten
Julie Martin
Patricia Martin
James B. Martyn
Keith F. Marugg, Sr.
Michael Matone
Connor Matteo
Mark J. and Lori E. Matthews
Arthur Maull
Dorothy Maxwell
Ben May
Bobby Mayer
Conrad Mayer
Eric S. Mcallister
Sean and MaryLynne McAnally
Phyllis McAuliffe
Patricia McCarrick
Dennis McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy
Pamela McClellan
Andrew J. McCloskey
Anthony McComas
Suzanne F. and Terence McCool
Elizabeth McDonald-Sabato
Ahmad K. McFarland
James E. and Frances M. McGarrity
Dick McGarvin
David C. and Nicole McGeary
Dave McGeehan
Jack McGeehan
Jeffrey A. McGeehin
Edward C. and Debra J. McIntyre
David D. McKean
Sheila L. and Dan P. McKeown
Melanie McMahon
Andrew McNeil
Nanette M. McStravick
James A. and Kerry E. Meabon
Samantha C. Meehan
Daniel F. Meggiolaro
Fredrick Meitner
Jeffrey Melchor
Ryanne Mendez
Paul and Marguerite Menditto
Linda L. Mengel
Gregory J. and Elizabeth S. Menio
Sonja Menton Urrico
John Mesenbrink
Karin Metrock
Joseph Meyers
Lucille S. and Jerry Mikaelian
Gloria Milan
Phyllis M. Milder
David Milewski
Benjamin Miller
Jack Miller
Jasmine Miller
Kevin S. Miller
Michael G. and Elaine M. Miller
Nicholas Miller
Phyllis Miller
Clavertis D. and Charlene Miller
James W. Miller
Michael C. ’66 and Carol A. Miller
Louray Mitchell
John F. Mitro
Jack L. and Janine P. Mogan
Max and Ethel Mohler
Andrew J. and Jennifer L. Mohring
Clifton Moore
Tyler J. Morales
Steven D. Morgan
Gary Morgan
Robert B. Morgan
Niko L. Morisi
Gary Morris
Irina Morris
Susan J. Morris
Danielle Morris Loannidis
David L. Morrison
Robert A. and Diane B. Morrison
Colby Moyer
James E. and Constance G. Moyer
Jenee Murry
Clinton J. and Lydia J. Myra
Kelley D. and Joseph Napoli
Linda G. Nash
Brooke Neher
Joyce Ness
Thomas and Katherine Neumayer
Netoya Nevarez
Gail Nevins
Frances R. Newby
Damion S. and Heather M. Newton
Elaine D. Nickel
Bryan Niles
Vaughn and Debbie Nissley
Emi S. Nissley
April Niver
Shelby Noll
Nikki Norwood-Boyd
Jeff Nowland
Teresa Nyce
Christina ’94 and John O’Brien
Bernard O’Malley
Jack O’Brady
Eileen O’Connor
Christina S. O’Connor
Troy Odynsky
Mary Ohandly
Michael T. and Colleen C. Olexa
Terry Oliver
Steve ONeal
William O’Neill
John Oransky
Richard and Bonnie Orodenker- Marks
Victoria O’Rourke
Oluwatunmishe K. Osho
David C. and Sandra B. Oswald
Thomas J. ’78 and Lori K. Palubinski
Anthony J. Papirio
Christopher R. ’83 and Angela Paradysz
Paula M. Parker-Fordyce and Troy D. Fordyce
Catherine Parks
Nicole Parks
Todd Parton
Tammy Pavlinsky
Kenneth L. Pearman
Nicole A. Pellegrini
Brooklynn Pendleton
Malissa A. and Gregory T. Penna
Teresa Penna
David Perez
Joan G. Perfetti
Jeannette M. and Carl J. Pergam
Dana L. Perich
Daniel M. Perich
Blenda Perryman
Robert W. and Mary E. Peskin
James R. Peters
Mark J. Peters
Zennetta J. Peters
Bernadette Petrina
Joseph T. Petro
Robert Phillips
Veronica D. Pickens
Loretta Pigeon
Leigh Pilzer
Iuri R. ’08 and Erin Pinto
Lisa S. Pizzuto
Maxine Pleasant
Jeffrey Plotnick
Karen Plumb
Damian J. ’98 and Amy S. Poalucci
Samuel and Patricia Pogharian
Chad Polin
Thomas M. Pooley and Concetta M. Stewart
Jason W. Potts
Jeff Potts
William R. and Patricia M. Potts
Anita Powell
Cheryl Powell
Joseph G. and Judith G. Price
Thomas Pritchard
Kelly Quick
Manny Quinones
Anthony Raccomandato
Elizabeth Radek
Charles D. Rajnai
Chelsea Rambone
Brett Rand
Christopher L. ’74 and Patricia A. Ransel
Stephen E. Raphael
David A. Super ’80 and Ann Rapoch Super
Jason Reed
Mary Reiman
Paul Relyea
Marta Remolina
Lisa Resciniti
Frank C. and Joan Revitt
Christopher Rhine
James T. and Ranae Rickert
Carol M. Rieder
Donald L. Rigg
Anthony and Sharon L. Rinaldi
Susan C. and James T. Robinson
Pamela J. Rodgers
Francisco M. and Maria Rodrigues
Christina Rodriguez
Alice L. Roe
Michael Roepel
Kyle J. Rogers
Shauna L. Rogers
Walter P., III ’77 and Nancy G. Rogers
Alexis Roof
Joann C. Roof
Joseph Rosa, Jr.
Manuel A. Rosa
Junitah Rosario
Amy L. Ross
Chris Ross
David L. Rounsaville
Danielle M. Rovito
Barth Rubin
Jesus Ruiz
J. T. and Helen Rusk
Thomas D. and Paula R. Russell
Joseph J. Ruvane
Robert Sabatino
Cathy Sabia
Matthew J. Sabol
Kathleen Saggio
Marjorie Saint-Jean
Kevin Salvagni
Joan Samra
Jean-Eric M. Sanchez
Michael Sanfratello
Daniel Santelli
William and Ann M. Sariano
Jenni L. and Rodney Saylor
Lauren Saylor
David Scarborough
Mark W. Scattene
Franklin and Mae Schaffer
Richard Schlameuss
Jenny Schneider
Redd Schoening
Roger Schore
Paul and Judy Schuchman
James L. Schuppert
Emily Schwalm
Craig T. Scott
Joseph M. Seagraves
Nichole A. Sealer
Jonathan D. and Denise D. Searfoss
Ernest J. and Angela Sebastianelli
Tiffany Segarra
Jeff Seigafuse
Gregory S. and Stephanie R. Seiverd
Tammy L. Sell
Richard Seubert
Courtney Shaffer
Julie Shaffer
Helen Sheers
Harold and Charlotte Sheldon
Gia Shimp
Carolyn and Gary Shingleton
Robert F. and Linda L. Shoaf
Jennifer Shortino
Isaac Showers
Jennifer A. Shukaitis
Michelle A. Keating-Sibel ’00 and Stephen Sibel
Jane A. Siegel
Gerald Silberman
Sorcha C. Silva
Richard H. Simpson
Louise C. Sims
Rachel Sindaco
Jacqui Singleton
John J. and Elaine V. Siptroth
Susan J. Slinger
Tracy Sloan
Townsley R. Smallwood
Amy Smedley
Scott and Catherine Smickley
Jacquelyn Smigo
Cynthia Smith
Felicia O. Smith
Harden Smith
Holly Smith
Jeremy D. Smith
Marcia Smith
Rachel Smith
Regina Smith
Charlie Smythe
Frank Sobieck
Wilma J. Soliday
Stephen M. and Sharon D. Somers
Steve Sorage
Andrew J. Sordoni III
Joe Soto
Joseph R. and Alicia D. Soto
Anthony Spangler
Joseph Spina
Oscar L. Squire
Ann St. Ledger and Ernest Helling
Ronald Stabile
Jennifer Stanek
Rosemary Stanek
Ken Starace
Steven A. Starkes
Adam S. ’00 M’02 and Erin Stauffer
Thomas Staves
Gena M. Steber
Michael Steinberg, Sr.
Heather A. Stellabott
Joyce Stellabott
Michael Stellabott
Kyle C. and Katie L. ’07 Stem
Edith Stevens
Brandon Stevenson
James and Bev Stine
JoAnn Stockholm
Rob Stoneback
Yvonne Stoudt
Leigh Ann Stratakos
Yvonne Strickland-David
Keith Strunk
Chris Sugra
Mary Suits
Natessia and Raymond Summerfield
Denise Tafe
Albert E. Taylor III
Carey Taylor
Devon Taylor
Melissa L. ’90 M’93 and James Taylor
Charles T., II ’84 M’86 and Teresa M. Taylor
David Tejada
Guy W. and Doreen N. Tench
Raymond E. Terek
Betty Terry
Matthew Thanakit
Carren Thomas
Kevin Thompson
Monique Thompson
Zandray Thompson
Christine J. ’73* and Tommy N. Thompson
Shawn P. and Karin Thornton
Kimberly Tokonitz
Vincent ’56* and Sharon Tomeo
Gail and Gary Toscano
Regina J. and James J. Tronolone
Barney Tuando
Joan Y. Tucker
Michael Tukeva
John R. Tumpak
Anthony L. Tutschek
Joan Udell
Joseph Uliana
John and Susan J. Ulmer
Mary C. Ulmer
Paul and Dina Ulmer
Terence J. Ulmer
Lisa Ussia
Tracy Valdevit
Christine Valentino
Linda M. and Daniel Vashlishan
Gabriella Vazquez
Jose Vazquez
Aimee S. Verdon
Gregorio E. Vernon
John Vializ
Joan K. Vican
Cooper Vicendese
Nancy S. Virkler
Anthony P. Vitale
Margaret U. Viviani
Alison Vizzini
Charles J. Vogt
Kelly Voto
Robert Voto
Tony Waldron
Kevin M. and Barbara Walker
Edward H. and Judy J. Wall
Matthew Walters
Chris Ward
Cindy Washington
John M. and Valerie A. Wasilko
Timothy A. ’90 and Kathleen M. Watkins
Christopher B. Weber
Mark Weber
Mike Wechtler
Aubrey C. Weekes
Monica Weichand
Andrea Weidner
Brandon A. Weimer
Jason ’08 and Julie Weiner
Richard Weise
Elaine Welch
Daniel L. and Judith A. Weller
James Weremedic
Scott G. and M. A. Wert
Aileen Westcott
Carrie Wetherbee
Artress White
Mary Ellen Whitney ’78 and John T. Whitney
Robert H. ’75 and Julieann Willever
Charmain Williams
Rainer Williams
Steven Williams
Kenneth and Sylvia Williamson
Vivian Wills
Alice J. Wilson
Audrey R. Wilson
David M. Wilson
Jan Wilson
Robert and Andrea Wilson
Steven Wilson
Wendy Wilson
David M. and Anne C. Wilson
Amy Winkler
Diane Wiser
Rosemarie Woldin
Daisy Wong
James W. Wood
Lisa Wright
Robert Wright
Toby S. Wright
Lynn M. ’88 and David P. Wuestner
Zack Yamba
Susan L. Yankay
Thomas R. Yankay
Randy Yanoshak
Barbara L. M’99 and Ronald Yarashas
John Yates
Carole H. ’73 and Clifford Yezefski
Scott Yohe
Names listed in bold are members of the President’s Circle. *Deceased; Italics: Gift in kind