
Recognizing individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations who have made annual gifts of $1,500 or more to the ESU Foundation.
Millennium Circle ($50,000+)
Commonwealth Financing Authority
James G. ’95 and Funmilayo Franklin
The Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Sandra J. Hoeffner
Hoeffner Foundation
Nancy Montae Imbt Johnson*
J.R. Prisco, Inc.
Vertie B. Knapp*
Lehigh Valley Hospital-Pocono
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
PA Department of Education
Pennsylvania Department of Health
The R. Dale and Frances M. Hughes Foundation
Stephen M. and Sharon D. Somers
Charles T., II ’84 M’86 and Teresa M. Taylor
Weiler Family Foundation
Julia Circle ($10,000 to $49,999)
AllOne Charities
William B. and Barbara Cramer
Stephen M. Domovich ’49*
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
G&G Properties PA, LLC
Deborah L. Gebhardt ’69
Harriet D. ’56 and George D. ’58* Hall
The Haverford Trust Company
Rosemarie M. Hawkins ’71
Audrey J. Henderson
Bryan E. and Colette L. Hughes
Hughes Foundation, Inc.
Gary A. ’77 and Debra G. ’81 Kessel
Mark J. and Kathleen M. Kilker
Bruno S. and Cheryl Klaus
Wendy H. Koch
Douglas S. ’94 and Melissa A. Leonzi
Bill ’63 and Sandy ’64 Lewis
R. Sam ’82 and Linda ’83 Niedbala
Niedbala Family Foundation
Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union
Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau
Michael D. ’00 and Kerri M. Rhine
Joan Roos Egner ’52*
Arthur R. ’62 and Fannie A. ’62 Schisler
Seven Mountains Media
Susan Z. ’85 and Robert A. Shebelsky
Matthew Thanakit
United Way Of The Greater Lehigh Valley, Inc.
Jeffrey I. Wilson ’86 M’92
Leslie L. ’74 and Pat W. Wilson
Randy Yanoshak
Founder’s Circle ($5,000 to $9,999)
A Grateful Alumni
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc.
Bovinos Pizzeria & Restaurant, LLC
James A. ’76 and Tracy Cantafio
Mitchell L. Cordova ’92
Patrick J. ’77 and Cathy Diskin
Robert A. Dodd ’84 M’98 and Susan M. Shandra Dodd ’82
Coach Denny and Judy Douds
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
ESSA Bank & Trust
ESSA Bank & Trust Charitable Foundation
GAK Construction
Danny H., Jr. ’05 and Stephanie R. Gale
James E. Gilbert
Ann E. Gladfelter McGinnis ’82 and Kenton R. McGinnis, Jr.
Linda D. Koch ’69 M’71
Eric Kolar
John B. and Cynthia Makar
Frederick L. ’63 and Elizabeth A. ’62 Masenheimer
Phyllis M. Milder
Robert M. Moses
Kurt R. and Christina Nielsen
Walter P., III ’77 and Nancy G. Rogers
Barth Rubin
Henry R. ’93 and Lynn L. ’93 Sands
Jerome W. Sheska ’68 M’81
Louise C. Solliday ’74
St. Luke’s University Health Network
Adam S. ’00 M’02 and Erin Stauffer
Doreen M. Tobin
Todd and Shari Nelson Family Foundation, Inc.
Craig S. Vondercrone ’99
Richard D. Vroman ’67 and Danna Yoder Vroman ’68
Faith H. Waters and Edward C. Kimes
Diana E. Weaver ’57
President’s Circle ($1,500 to $4,999)
3Click Promotions
Adams Outdoor Advertising
All Sports Enterprises, Inc.
Joseph A., Jr. ’65* and Dorothy Bahnatka
James G. ’91 and Patricia Bailey
Marilyn J. Barber Hiller ’68
Thomas A. ’62 and Rebecca A. ’72 Barrow
Jennifer L. Barteck ’92
Stephen P. ’90 and Karen Baumbach
Max T. Bergen and Sarah S. Azizi
James K. Bergen
Robert L. Berkowitz
Chuck Bierlein ’70
Dale A. ’81 and Kathleen M. ’82 Blum
Wayne A. Bolt
Donald R. and Dolores B. Bortz
Brian K. ’84 and Karen D. ’85 Boyd
Martin J. Brans ’91
Braveheart Enterprises, LLC
David A. Bubak ’80
Lauren A. Buckstein
Cedric D. ’87 and In Suk Bullock
Philip L. ’85 and Cindy Calamia
Camelback Lodge, LP
Camelback Resort
Elzar, Jr. and Carolyn V. Camper
Capstone On-Campus Management
Charities Aid Foundation America
David A. ’70 and Bonnie E. ’72 Childs
Cocos Light, Inc
Sonya K. Cole ’63 M’74
Donald Conklin and Kimberly Sisson Conklin
Crayola, LLC
Chester W. Dalgewicz ’67 M’74
Douglas L. Dalrymple
David T. and Joanne S. Davis
Paul DeGiulio
Derailed Tap House Corporation
Jeffrey D. ’79 and Susan E. Detzi
John D. ’79 and Sandra M. M’96 Detzi
Joseph D. ’79 and Brenda Detzi
John T. DeVivo
MaryEllen ’80 and Kevin J. Dickey
Kathy B. ’70 and Lawrence Dildine
Joseph M. ’86 and Cindy L. Domosh
Anthony L. ’76 and Ellen S. Drago
Frank A. and Renee Epifano
Pamela M. Evans ’78 M’85
Dolores S. Faust ’66 M’69
Joseph T. Ferry ’03
Jayson C. Frank ’08
Fruit-A-Bowls on Crystal Street, LLC
Fulton Bank, N.A.
The Funding Zone, LLC
Tonya L. Furman
Alfredo E. ’03 and Jennifer Garcia
GoFundMe Certified Charity Campaigns
Dennis ’78 and Laura Gorman
Deborah Grace
Thomas J. Grayuski ’84
Nancy Jo Greenawalt
John C., Jr. and Marlou Gregory
Jerry A. Gruber ’69
Anthony J. Guarino ’19
Kristina Gulics
Barbara Gumpper
Lucas and Sheena Haan
Raymond L. ’86 and Zoraya Hamlin
John N. ’70 and Nancy M. ’82 Harner
David and Rachael Heath
Joseph C., Jr. ’63 and Joanne P. ’64 Heverin
Heverin Financial Services
William J. ’70 M’79 and Linda J. Horvath
Gail Huggins
Hunt, Hamlin & Ridley
Steven C. ’96 and Jennifer L. M’98 Hynes
Impact Cheer and Dance, Inc.
Jorene Jameson ’69 and James Wylie
Steven A. and Patricia C. Janicek
Wendy A. Jankoski ’82 and Paul Lapinski
Jay Gray Plumbing, LLC
Jersey Mike’s Subs
Jimmy’s Ice Cream
Johnson & Johnson Foundation
Joseph Ambler Inn, Inc.
K and W Investors
Eileen P. ’79 and James G. Kaiser
Kalahari Resorts & Conventions
Bob D. Kelly
Dawn M. Ketterman-Benner ’70
Michael J. Kramer ’97
Jay D. Kule
Joseph F. Lalli
Brooke K. ’91 M’96 and Jerome J. ’07 Langan
Susan Larkin
Judith A. ’76 M’86 and James H. Leiding
Francine S. ’65 and Robert H. Lewis
LHF Holdings, LLC
Kenneth and Evelyn Long
Loyal Order Moose Lodge #1336
Stephen A. ’62* and Jeannie Luckey
Kenneth E. Maclary
Elizabeth A. Makar
Michael D. ’97 and Jennifer Mancuso
Mariner’s Arcade, LLC
Mary-Carol Mason ’62
MassMutual Greater Philadelphia
Jessica A. Maxwell ’16
Helen P. McEntire
Kathryn A. McLaughlin Waltz ’70
Gregory J. and Elizabeth S. Menio
Middle Smithfield Township
Charlene Miller
Dennis L. ’74 and Kathryn G. ’74 Mohn
Maury J. Molin ’76
Monroe County Chapter, NAACP
Monroe County Democratic Party
Mount Airy Casino Resort
James E. and Constance G. Moyer
Edward L. ’94 M’95 and Jessica A. ’94 Myers
Frank T. ’75 and Doreen Newby
Tina L. ’89 and James J. Nixon
Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel, LLP
Angelo and Kathleen A. Ortenzi
Trevin J. Panaia ’97 and Kari L. Yodice-Panaia ’95
Christopher R. ’83 and Angela Paradysz
Kenneth L. Pearman
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company
Pennsylvania Career Link of Monroe County
Jeannette M. and Carl J. Pergam
Thomas A. Petro ’72 and Ann Hayes-Petro
Physical Therapy Associates of NE PA, Inc.
Pocono Lions Club
Renee A. ’89 and John M. Pope
Mary Frances Postupack M’93
Bernard J. ’81 and Kathy Povanda
PPL Foundation
Deborah E. Prince
Peter E. Pruim and Margaret J. Ball
Frank M. ’73 M’76* and Nancy Pullo
G. James Purdy ’68
Matthew J. Rapa ’05
Lois B. ’78 and Richard J. Rawson
Glenn F. ’69 M’78 and Sue Ann Reibman
Frank C. and Joan Revitt
Melissa C. and Charles P. Ritchie
Anuradha and Ranjan Sachdev
David M. ’81 and Janet G. Sanko
Richard D. and Katherine D. M’22 Santoro
Paul and Judy Schuchman
Angelo R., Sr. and Suzanne Senese
Richard Seubert
Shawnee Inn, Inc.
Gregory E. ’80 M’93 and Lauretta A. ’81 Shoemaker
Jeffrey D. Shrive ’09
Ski Shawnee, Inc.
Skytop Lodge Corporation
Allen G. and Dawn A. Snook
Santiago Solis
Shelley A. Speirs ’92 and Gayland Aston ’94 M’01
Carol A. Stokes ’73
Stroudsmoor Country Inn
David A. Super ’80 and Ann Rapoch Super
Robert G. Sutton and Linda L. DeRenzis-Sutton
Stanley F. Tchorz ’57
Teddy’s Tavern, Inc.
Michael “Jimmy” J. ’07 and Ashlee R. ’06 Terwilliger
J. Michael ’78 and Kim M. Terwilliger
John R. ’69 M’73 and Pamela J. ’70 Thatcher
Robert J. ’65 and Patty J. Tonkin
Peggy Tregear
Gregory M. Tymon ’93 M’95 M’01
Urology Associates of the Poconos
James A. Viola ’84
Brent I. Voynar ’95 M’97
Susan L. ’90 and Desmond Walton
Kay S. Wardell ’61
Wawa Foundation
Nancy L. Weaver ’74 M’78
Jeffrey and Audrey Weber
Richard Weise
Daniel L. and Judith A. Weller
Marcia G. Welsh and Louis Terracio
Robert H. ’75 and Julieann Willever
The William T. Morris Foundation
Woodloch Resort Properties
Eric E. ’85 and Bonita A. ’86 Wyatt
Wenjie Yan
Rory J. ’84 and Diane E. Yanchek
Cem Zeytinoglu
Names listed in bold are members of the President’s Circle. *Deceased; Italics: Gift in kind